8 research outputs found

    Comparative Study of P&O and Fuzzy MPPT Controllers and Their Optimization Using PSO and GA to Improve Wind Energy System

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    Many academics have recently focused on wind energy installations. WECS (wind energy conversion system) is a renewable energy source that has seen significant development in recent years. Furthermore, compared to the use of power grid supply, the use of the WECS in the water pumping field is a cost-free option (economically). The purpose of this study is to demonstrate a wind-powered pumping mechanism. To obtain the best option, it considers and contrasts four distinct approaches. This research aims to improve the system\u27s performance and the quality of the generated power. The objective of the control of WECS with a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) is to carefully maximize power generation. Finally, this research employed the fuzzy logic control (FLC) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms improved using a genetic algorithm (GA). The proposed system\u27s performance was tested using the generated output voltage, current, and power waveforms, as well as the intermediate circuit voltage waveform and generator speed. The provided data show that the control technique used in this study was effective

    Measurement and Simulation of 2.25 kWp grid-connected amorphous photovoltaic station in a hot desert environment

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    This work investigates measurements and simulations of a 2.25 kWp grid-connected amorphous photovoltaic power plant mounted on a parked car in a hot desert environment. This power station is located at applied research unit field (URAER), in the Ghardaia region, southern region. The simulation is carried out using PVSYS software. This includes evaluation of meteorological and electrical parameters performance of studied PV system such as reference PV system, PV array yield (YA), Final yield (YF), PV array and system losses, array and system efficiency, performance ratio (PR). The array nominal energy estimated at STC is 5695 kWh/year. The energy estimated injected into the grid is 4648 kWh/year

    Etude et Commande Adaptative par les Techniques Intelligentes Des Systèmes Non linéaires Application aux Systèmes Photovoltaïques

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    Ce travail porte sur l’optimisation de la chaîne de conversion d’une installation photovoltaïque (PV) raccordée au réseau de distribution d’électricité testée dans les conditions du milieu saharien (région de Ghardaïa). L’objectif est l’étude et l’évaluation de l’effet des conditions météorologiques sur la performance du système ainsi que l’extraction des puissances maximales fournies par le générateur photovoltaïque, afin d'obtenir un bon rendement en utilisant des lois de commande basées sur des techniques intelligentes telles que les réseaux de neurones, neuro-floue, le mode glissant floue et P&O-PI optimisé par la technique PSO, ainsi que l’injection de cette puissance dans un réseau de distribution via un système de conversion à deux étages .Ce travail concerne également l’optimisation des systèmes photovoltaïques connectés au réseau obtenues par un système de poursuite du soleil à deux axes. L’objectif est l’amélioration du gain en énergie électrique de la poursuite solaire à deux axes du panneau solaire par rapport au système fixe. Nous avons montré l'importance de leur utilisation en terme de puissance générée qui apporte un gain en énergie significatif de l’ordre de 30% par rapport à un plan fixe, notamment aux heures de la journée les moins ensoleillées

    Adaptive Artificial intelligence based fuzzy logic MPPTcontrol for stande-alone photovoltaic system under different atmospheric conditions

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    <p><strong>there is an increased need for analysing the effect of atmospheric variables on photovoltaic (PV) production and performance. The outputs from the different PV cells in different atmospheric conditions, such as irradiation and temperature , differ from each other evidencing knowledge deficiency in PV systems [14]. Maximum power point tracking<em> </em>(MPPT)<em> </em>methods are used to maximize the PV array output power by tracking continuously the maximum power point (MPP). Among all MPPT methods existing in the literature, perturb and observe (P&amp;O) is the most commonly used for its simplicity and ease of implementation; however, it presents drawbacks such as slow response speed, oscillation around the MPP in steady state, and even tracking in wrong way under rapidly changing atmospheric conditions.</strong><strong> </strong><strong>In order to allow a functioning around the optimal point Mopt, we have inserted a <em>DC-DC </em>converter (Buck–Boost) for a better matching between the PV and the load</strong><strong>. This paper, we study the Maximum power point tracking using adaptive Intelligent fuzzy logic and conventional (P&amp;O) control for stande-alone photovoltaic Array system .In particular, the performances of the controllers are analyzed under variation weather conditions with are constant temperature and variable irradiation. The proposed system is simulated by using MATLAB-SIMULINK. According to the results, fuzzy logic controller has shown better performance during the optimization.</strong></p

    Experimental performance characterization and economic efficiency of 16.28 kWp grid-tied PV systems in semi-arid climate

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    The study of the paper aims to present a solar power plant performances and economic benefits of 16.28 kWp grid-tied solar PV systems under the real outdoor conditions of Ghardaïa, located in semi-arid area of the Algeria desert. The main goal of this study is to investigate the effectiveness, suitability, feasibility and reliably of these plants on the level of desert areas and under the influence of harsh conditions (desert environment) in the first part. In the second part, the contribution of solar PV plant to conventional networks in the arid and semi-arid environment to assess the rate of integration. Based on experimental measurement data, the paper also shows economic benefits of three photovoltaic plants. It was found that from the first January to last August 2019, the total produced energy by all PV arrays was 171.422 MWh which supplied to the internal grid and while, the consumed energy by the URAER unit was 159,094 kWh. Approximately 10, 95 % of the 159,094 MWh energy consumed in the whole year is provided from the generated PV solar energy that is 17,422 MWh. The total energy fed to the internal grid has grown from 27 MWh in 05/04/2018 to a maximum of 67.28 MWh recorded in 31/10/2019. The rate of integration of solar energy by all PV arrays in the internal network of the URAER varied between 6, 60% in January and 22, 96% in April. The integration of this renewable energy generation into the local grid in the URAER unit considered satisfactory over this period of operation. From the first January to last August 2019, the cost of electrical energy produced by solar plants is 2090,64 euro(277706,68 Algerian dinars) while the cost of energy consumed by the Applied Research Unit in renewable energies is 4772,82 euro(664853,826 Algerian dinars)